About OzoneNZ Limited
Eco-friendly purification solutions
Historically we have been involved in the rural sector for over 30 years, offering a range of bespoke services to our clients. Unfortunately Covid had a major impact on our business, like so many other companies, and this forced a re-think of our future business direction.
We’ve always been conscious of the environment, and have been searching for an eco-friendly product or application, that could reduce chemical input into our environment, particularly in water treatment applications. This led after research to the use of Ozone as a natural purifier and sanitiser in water treatment. Ozone treatment has been utilised worldwide since the early 1900’s.
Given the small size of New Zealand demographically, most water infrastructure is mainly based around towns and cities. Most coastal and remote regions are either reliant on bore or Rainwater Tanks for water supply.
Researching the market demonstrated there was a niche, particularly with Rainwater tanks, for a custom Ozone generator that was designed and manufactured specifically to purify water in Rainwater tanks. Our Ozone generator works by pumping ozonated air through a diffuser into the rainwater tank. It has been designed so that actual installation of the Ozone generator is a simple plug and play procedure.
Independent testing prior and post installation of our Ozone Rainwater tank generator demonstrated the benefits of Ozone treatment with significant improvement in water potability pre and post treatment